The Positive and Negative Effects of the Prison Subculture


photo by: sltrib 

Welcome back to my blog. Throughout this blog, we have been looking at prison and prison subculture. Now in this blog post, we are going to discuss the positive and negative effects of prison subculture on both inmates and prison staff at large. A correctional officer interacts with inmates on a day-to-day basis, so in most cases, they will be affected by the prison subculture either in a positive or a negative way. So if you want to be educated on this issue, continue reading.

Positive Effects of the Prison Subculture 

photo by: truli-

The Prison Subculture is a form of socialization for inmates because, with prison subculture, inmates will share common interests and will interact with each other as a means of adjusting to life in prison. Thus, the prison subculture is a mode of socialization for inmates to understand different perspectives in discussing a matter. 

The prison subculture helps inmates adapt to the prison environment. For many ex-inmates, prison is not a bed of roses. In Prison, inmates are confronted with numerous challenges, and the prison subcultures helps inmates come to terms with the prison. The prison subculture assists inmates in making the transition from life on the outside to life on the inside. The Prison Subculture: It helps inmates adapt to the prison; it serves as a form of protection and respect. Inmates who are apart of the prison subculture will be recognized and get respect in the prison.

Finally, the prison subculture helps to provide insight for correctional officers to control the prison environment. When correctional officers know about the prison subculture, they are able to be aware of the things that will happen. Locally in Jamaica. According to The Star's article "Warders uncover plot to kill Kartel," the suspected murderers who plotted against the popular musician were fellow convicts and a member of the prison's ancillary staff. The ancillary staff member confessed to being a part of the conspiracy, claiming that she was told to take particular items inside the prison. According to officials, the convicts allegedly ordered her to pick up three ratchet knives and two bottles. The claimed inmates were also plotting to attack the deejay when they were both released from their cells, according to The Star (The Star, 2015). If the correctional officers had no knowledge of the prison subculture in Jamaica, they would not have uncovered the plan to kill the convicted artist. And maybe the entertainer would have been dead, but they used their knowledge of the subculture to understand what was happening and intercepted the operation. Furthermore, based on the gestures and attitudes that were displayed by the inmates, the correctional officers could have known that there was going to be an altercation. Also, based on the behavior displayed by the member of the prison's ancillary staff, they knew that something was about to go down. Having a knowledge of the prison subculture proved to be beneficial in this case because the correctional officer was able to save a life based on the knowledge of this prison subculture. 

Negative Effect of the Prison Subculture

Photo by:ClipGround-


First, it creates more violence and riots in the prison facility and in the prison subculture because of various aspects of it. Inmates can start riots at any time, resulting in inmates and correctional officers being injured or even dead. 

Second, the prison subculture can influence correctional officers to commit crimes or do illegal actions that also robs them of their self-esteem and also breach their professional guidelines because of too much involvement in the prison subculture(LAPSHIN & Galich, 2021).. Locally, in Jamaica, Gary Senior, a correctional officer charged with ganja, Senior, of St Catherine, has been charged with ganja possession. Senior was seen entering the Tower Street Adult Correctional Centre on September 25 with two black plastic bags, according to reports. During a regular search, the accused was discovered with four packets containing vegetable stuff that looked like ganja. The accused was caught with two pounds in bundles, according to reports (The Star, 2015). So, when correctional officers are involved in the prison subculture, they tend to not follow the duties or the ethical guidelines of their jobs, and as a result, they are involved in acts of crime with inmates. So, in this case, because of too much exposure to the prison subculture, the correctional officers have this mindset of no longer caring about their jobs. This prison subculture alters their minds and beliefs and turns good correctional officers into corrupt correctional officers. Even if the correctional officers illegally transport contraband within the correctional facility, this will create a sense of order because the prisoners are getting what they want, but if the correctional officers continue to traffic these items, it will be hard for them to stop because this is what the prisoners want, and as a result of this, the correctional officers are damaging their reputation, career, and self-esteem.

What are your thoughts or what have you learnt from this blog ? You can leave a comment .


LAPSHIN, V. E., & GALICH, T. V. (2021). The Spread of the Prison Subculture as a Driver of Its Destructive Influence on the Personality of Young Correctional Officers. Penitentiary Science, 15(2), 434–442.

The Star. (2015, January 17). Warders uncover plot to kill Kartel. Jamaica Star.

The Star. (2015, October 27). Prison employee on drug charge. News | Jamaica Star.



  1. I enjoyed reading this , it was very informative and it opened my eyes to a vast amount of information I did not know.

    1. Thank you for your comment its good to know that you have learnt something new !

  2. Good point of view. it was an interesting blog that i enjoy reading

  3. The information provided in this blog was very factual. Prisons subculture have its pros and cons in which you came with a lot of evidence to back the points you made

  4. This blog is entertaining. i learned so much stuff from this blog about the positive and negative effects of prison subculture. i could read this all day because it's entertaining and informative about the positive and negative effects of prison subculture. i have learned that the prison subculture is a mode of adaption but it also affect our correctional officers negatively instead of positively. so, do you think the prison subculture is the main cause of corruption in the prison system?

    1. Thank you for your comment... it so good to see you found my blogs entertaining and informative and also that you learnt something new..
      In relation to your question which is so, do you think the prison subculture is the main cause of corruption in the prison system? yes I believe it is a factor but for more information you can read this journal article to learn more of how the prison subculture can affect correctional officers. Thank youu
      Link for the journal article-
      LAPSHIN, V. E., & GALICH, T. V. (2021). The Spread of the Prison Subculture as a Driver of Its Destructive Influence on the Personality of Young Correctional Officers. Penitentiary Science, 15(2), 434–442.

  5. I learnt different aspects of the prison subculture.

  6. Oh Wow! Before reading this blog, I thought that prison subculture was always negative. However, I have learn that prison subculture helps inmates adapt to the prison environment of prison life and helps to provide insight for correctional officers to control the prison environment.

    1. Thank you for your comment... so glad you learnt something new!!!


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