What is Prison and Prison Subculture?


photo by:76crimes-https://76crimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Jamaican-prison-640x360.jpg

What is a Prison ? 

What comes to mind when you hear the word "prison?" Based on the testimonies of ex-prisoners who were in the prison system, it means a living hell for some Jamaicans. However, according to Britannica, a prison is defined as a total institution of confinement or imprisonment in which people are remanded in custody or offenders who have been found guilty of a crime are sentenced to this institution. Individuals who commit felonies, which include serious crimes such as murder and rape, are sentenced to prison, while people who commit misdemeanors like vandalism, reckless driving, disorderly conduct, public intoxication, shoplifting, and petty theft are sentenced to jails that can be found in a police station in Jamaica(Britannica, 2022).

Prisons in Jamaica

Jamaica has a large number of prisons, including adult correctional, remand, and juvenile facilities.

Tower Street Adult Correctional Center

St. Catherine Adult Correctional Centre 

New Broughton Adult Correctional Centre 

Tamarind farm Adult Correctional Centre

Horizon Remand Centre 

Richmond Farm Adult Correctional Centre 

Fort Augusta Adult Correctional Centre 

This was a prison for women only, but the inmates were moved to the South Camp Adult Correctional Centre because the infrastructure at this institution was inadequate.

South Camp Juvenile Remand and Correctional Centre 
Rio-Cobre Juvenile Correctional Centre 

Hill Top Juvenile Correctional Centre
Metcalfe street Secure Juvenile Remand Centre 

photos by: department of Correctional services-https://www.dcs.gov.jm/pages/custodial-services/adult-correctional-remand-centres/

What is a Subculture?  

When one hears the word "sub," they think of anything that is different from the ordinary. According to Study.com, a subculture is a group of people in society that distinguish themselves from the parent culture while retaining some of the parent culture's foundational ideas. Subculture forms its own norms and ideas(Study.com, n.d.-).

Now can you generate a definition of prison subculture based on what was discussed?

Photo by: Biological Science- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBLokGqXBvk

What is Prison Subculture? 

Prison subculture is a set of norms, values, and beliefs that prisoners adapt to while in prison. The prison subculture is as a result of the pains of imprisonment, such as loss of liberty, desirable goods and services, heterosexual relationships, autonomy, and security that inmates may face, and the prison subculture serves as a means of adaption and protection (Study.com, n.d.).

Now in this video below it speaks about the Prison Subculture that are evident in Russian Prisons.

Video by: DW Documentary- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9EKM40lY4w&t=30s


Britannica. (2022, March 21). prison | Definition, History, & Facts. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/prison

Study.com. (n.d.-a). What is Prison Subculture? https://study.com/academy/lesson/prison-subcultures-the-deprivation-model.html?msclkid=15b56247c04a11eca3ee0ce576f2a06d

Study.com. (n.d.-b). What is Subculture? https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-subculture-theories-definition-examples.html?msclkid=3c77fedbc04911eca8a508e012044358


  1. As a future public servant, i am not aware of the different correctional centers in Jamaica. Thank you

    1. Thank you for your comment so happy I could educate you on the correctional centers in Jamaica

  2. In our Jamaican society many citizens as a negative concept toward prison subculture so this post as really shined some light to the greater population. Thank you!

  3. I really enjoyed reading this blog I appreciate the fact that you provided photos along with information in aim of highlighting prions in Jamaica and information directed to prison subculture great.

    1. Thank you for comment. So glad you enjoyed the blog .

  4. honestly. this blog has taught me how prison subculture works. this blog is excellent at telling the information about prison subculture more than what i taught in real life.

    1. Thank you for your comment Omari So glad you leant something new about the prison subculture.

  5. Good blog. I taught about prison as a place where criminals would go, but I never taught about the pains they go through while there such as the food, sleep etc..
    I also did not know that prison subculture existed so I have a lot thank you.

    1. Thank you for your comment so happy to see you have leant something new from this blog post.

  6. Very informative. Before reading this blog I taught that prison subcultures were created as a result of different culture come together and in order for them to cope they have to group. however, I have learn that prison subculture is as a result of the pains of imprisonment, such as loss of liberty, desirable goods and services, heterosexual relationships, autonomy, and security that inmates may face, and the prison subculture serves as a means of adaptation and protection.

    1. Thank you for your comment good to see you learnt some new!!!


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