Do you want to learn more of Prison and Prison Subcultures?


Photo by: California's Prison Population-

Photo by: Washington Post-


Hello everyone, welcome to my blog. I am Shania Wollaston, a second-year student at Northern Caribbean University pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Criminology. This blog is titled "A Better Understanding of Prisons and Prison Subculture." and is a part of my course work for the course CJUS221-Prisons and Prison Subculture. This course is required to complete my concentration in criminology, and this course is mostly about how students investigate the history and intended function of criminal establishments ranging from juvenile detention centers to maximum security prisons. This course provides an overview of how the current jail system operates, including administrative and logistical duties. Data is gathered on the effectiveness of prisons in carrying out the mandate of state security. The foundation for comprehending the prison subculture is formed by the existing subcultures of connections and inter-relationships among correctional staff, convicts, and social workers within prisons. The usual operating modalities are studied and analyzed, including norms of engagement, gang existence, formal and informal hierarchical structure, and so on. Hence, in this blog, I will be posting content that relates to prisons and prison subculture. Both will be very educational and knowledge-based, so feel free to share and comment on your thoughts. The blogs will be posted in short order, so while you are waiting for the blogs to be posted, there is a video down below that speaks about a prison in Jamaica. You guys can watch it in preparation for my blog post to come. Stay blessed and safe, and I will catch you in the next blog post.

Brain Food 

Video by: T&T Rocks-


  1. I am excited and ready to learn a lot.

  2. Thank you... blogs have been posted so you go ahead and read and leave your comment.


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